Sunday, 5 March 2017

Blog Update 5/3/17

Hey guys, so after the Christmas period, I got married and so didn't have the time to post anything and then, due to an awkward work/life situation, we've had to move out. Because of this we have been going from place to place for the last few weeks. Naturally this means it has been hard to find time to paint.  We have decided to relocate to Christchurch as this is a much better region than Queenstown Lakes to save money for our OE at the end of the year. And as I have Carpentry skills, there is plenty of work for me.
Today, I found time to paint and I have a few photos of what I'm working on.

This Easter, I'm going to Natcon in Christchurch entering in 9th Age as Kingdom of Equitaine.

Here is the Grail Knight I am working on, I'm having 3 in this colour scheme and 3 white with red to match the respective lords in my army.

I recently bought a Vallejo Thinner Medium and it has really helped improve my painting, as you can see comparing the two painted knights here.

 This Grail Knight is not yet finished but I can't wait to see how good all 6 of them painted will be!

 I started my Damsel today and she's already taking shape! Just the little details to go

Below, I have my crossbowmen, with various armour types.

 And here is my colour scheme for my Knights Aspirant. I still have to finish this model, the red needs to be a lot brighter and hopefully I can make the overall model look a bit more colourful like the rest of my knights.

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