Wednesday, 12 October 2016

Hosting My First Tournament - A New Age

On the 1st October, on behalf of my wargaming club, OMTS (Otago Miniature Tacticians Society), I hosted the South Island's first Ninth Age Tournament. We had three players down from Christchurch and a total turnout of six. I would have liked it to have been more but it was still a great weekend!

I took some photos throughout the weekend and some of the armies were fantastically painted. My personal favourite is the Sylvan Elves army, made from Lord of the Rings models from Games Workshop.

Enjoy the photos and I should have an update on my Kingdom of Equitaine models soon

The beautiful Slyvan Elves getting crushed by the monstrous army of the Warriors of the Dark Gods 

Wednesday, 10 August 2016

Basing My Kingdom of Equitaine

So I've been working on my army for A New Age, and here's my first of 3 skirmish trays with my bowmen.

I used Selleys Knead it epoxy putty to build up the mud and this is actually so much better and more cost effective than green stuff, the only downsides are that it has a strong smell and it sets a lot faster than green stuff (also an upside)

The gloss effect was achieved by using a thick coat of Army Painter's Soft tone Quickshade. I'm really enjoying the muddy meadow look that's happening, the Army Painter Battlefields meadow flowers was a great buy for only $12!

Over the next couple of weeks I should have my General on Pegasus done and I'll get some good photos in sunlight when he's done.

Thanks for reading!

Sunday, 31 July 2016

A New Age

So in a couple of months, I'm running a 9th Age tournament here in Dunedin. I've decided to dust off and repaint my Bretonnia, now Kingdom of Equitaine, for the event.

But that requires a lot of work so I doubt that everything will get finished but I'm going to give it my best shot. So here is my first of my Scottish Knights!

And of course, as with everything in life, you get distracted... so here is a unit filler I'm working on for my Sylvan Elves Dryads, I'm really happy with how it's taking shape and there'll be some better close ups of the details when it's done.

Daith, my Wood Elf Warlock

I have also just started D&D with some friends and I decided to make a model for my character, this was a lot of fun to put together and I'm really happy with how he looks.
 One of my friends has fairly recently started a Harlequin army and he wanted me to give him a hand painting them so I've got 6 of them to paint up and this is the first one done.
And here is the first bit of work on my General, mounted on a pegasus for now (I'll eventually get a hippogriff)

Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed! Feel free to leave a comment

Thursday, 14 July 2016

Marshal with Lightning Claws

I have been doing some work on my army for my next tournament at 2500 points and today I decided to finish my warlord, a marshal with lightning claws. I am really happy with how he turned out and I also magnetised his backpack and banner, allowing me to change him between infantry and jump infantry. This model is from the sword brethren box and it's such a great model that I didn't have to do any conversions on it. (the rest of the two boxes have been converted into honour guard that I'll eventually finish.)

Next on my list is to paint the sternguard that I have finished magnetising, Chaplain Grimaldus and my terminator knights.

Tuesday, 12 July 2016

Finally up to Date

My new marshal on bike, just got the basics done, need to add fine detail like Helbrecht

 I decided that no army of knights is a
  complete army without the peasants, so here is the first! An hour later and I have a matching scheme for my crusade.

My full 1850 point Southcon 2016 List, consisting of a Black Templar Combined arms Detachment and a Red Templar (Iron Hands) Armoured Task Force.

And last but not least, High Marshal Helbrecht, Completed in all his glory granting me a close 2nd place in the Southcon painting competition!

I did however manage to win a trophy at Southcon. On the Saturday night, the older gamers get together to play the annual Wings of Glory Mini-Tournament and I decided to join in. Three German planes later and I take out the Ace of Aces trophy!

Thanks for reading, and as always, feel free to leave a comment!

Tuesday, 7 June 2016

Where Did That Time Go?

So, my computer died at the start of the year but my motivation to paint did not! I realised this week that I haven't posted for 6 months! That's way too long but here's a recap of my painting projects this year. I don't know if I had said what my new army was going to be so here is my Black Templar army.

 Excuse the head on Helbrecht, I have since replaced it with a helmet and he looks sick! (next post, which will be soon, not in 6 months...)

The first unit completed!

My Warlord; The Emperor's Champion and his retinue, a unit of Terminators
My 1750 point army for Natcon 2016 in Dunedin, Easter Weekend

My two main squads,
Chainswords, Sword Brother with Thunder Hammer, Power Axe and Meltagun. 
And a standard squad with a Sword Brother with Thunder Hammer, Power Sword and Plasma gun. The combat squad was probably my most notable squad at Natcon, single handedly killing the majority of an Ork Horde twice

 So despite my predator being a ten minute paint job, Natcon was a blast and I finished with 4 solid wins and a loss against one of the top two, scoring third place for my new crusade.

Thanks for reading, and all comments will be appreciated.