Saturday, 20 June 2020

2020 Update - After a long break

Hello everyone!

After a long break from painting due to travelling the world I have returned to New Zealand and returned to my favourite hobby - painting miniatures. A couple of models were painted before I left as I forgot to update this blog before leaving, and a few models have been painted since my return. As Covid-19 is more or less under control in New Zealand, I will be able to get a few games in every now and then, I look forward to posting some game pictures up!

Models from before my worldwide adventure:

Wardancer Character

This is my Duke when I run a combined arms army - my favourite playstyle, although not the most competitive.

Grail Knight standard bearer - I had fun blending the two colours on the standard.

My other six painted grail knights - I have a few more including two heroes to paint still.

I decided to change the colour scheme on this unit - The red wasn't doing it for me, yellow works much better with black.

And my growing knights forlorn, accompanied by my Duke on foot - I have a few more of these to paint still, I'll have a unit of 30.

Since returning, I have managed to paint a couple of models and I'm hoping to have the unit of 8 finished in a few weeks.

Questing Knight Champion

Questing Knight

I hope you enjoyed this update, I'll have another one in a few weeks.

Thanks for reading!