Monday, 28 December 2015

New year, New Army

Hello everyone! At the store here in Dunedin we are starting a new campaign, which I believe is aimed at getting people into the hobby and/or starting a new army. As I have recently sold all of my 40k, I will be starting a new army, which means, approximately once or twice a month, I will be making up a new unit for... Black Templars! On top of all that and all of my other ongoing projects (I have a wall of stuff to paint), I have just started painting my friends Space Wolves, and I'm painting my brothers birthday present (it'll be a surprise for the 16th because no spoilers). This means I am very busy, and very excited
The Space Wolves Force
I got started on the Space Wolves this morning and after about 4 hours work, I have some progress. I had to start by trimming and cleaning the models; getting rid of the mould lines cleaning up the bits of plastic that holds the parts onto the sprue, and replacing some unworthy or missing parts. After that was done, I primed them white and took a break. (I wouldn't usually call working in the garden a break, but in this case it was a break from painting) I got back into it with several drops of paint and some water and did a thin Wolf Grey coat on as many Space Wolves as I could do, in this case, nine. then, using a small but not tiny brush, I filled in the rest of the details with a basecoat. Then, finally, to end most of today's work, I applied a generous coat of Dark Tone shade (Similar to Nuln Oil, or Black Ink).

Here's a progression of photos, summarising day one;

Basecoating the first nine.

The difference between before and after shade.

The nine after shade.

Close up of the most detailed model after shade.

When I got home tonight, I decided to have a go with mostly finishing a model and here we are. I believe the lack of natural light has deadened the colour of this model though, it is slightly deeper than the previous model. I will show the model in natural light in the next post.

Thanks for reading! Any comments would be much appeciated.

Friday, 25 December 2015

Christmas Update!

First of all, Merry Christmas! I have had a fantastic week, filled with laughter, cold beaches, good times and family. I finally got around to playing guitar again today and it was so worth it! I Have also been busy at my desk, painting, planning, and making a mess.

 The assassins are still far away from completion but they are now assembled, primed, base-coated and I have started the mission of adding the required detail. You can hardly see it on the photo here, but I tried to add a faint touch of blue to the black armour on this Vindicare Assassin. It needs a lot more colour! I seem to forget often in painting, that during the early stages of trying something new, most things need to be exaggerated... this is definitely one of those times!

My Space Marine project is going along nicely, with nearly two down out of ten! This sergeant is nearly finished, and I decided to go with an icy blue theme for this guy. I think the touches of blue on this model bring a refreshing feel to the otherwise simple white armour, similar to a White Scar Marine.

Here is the finished model, the red and green marine from earlier... as you can see, things got a bit bright and went from the idea of a battle worn, deep, dark red, to that of a Blood Angel, with a bit of a Christmas twist... and on the right here, is a very different, metallic green and purple idea. I wanted something different and here it is, let me know what you think!

To finish off this post, I thought I would show a picture of my first attempt at non-metallic metal! I'm sure my camera is taking out a bit of blue cause there was supposed to be a bit of colour in there... but anyway, here is the dark armour of a knight in my Bretonnian Army. Some black background heraldry is going to happen here, probably with white or red to add contrast.

Thank you for reading, and feel free to leave a comment or suggestion below.

Saturday, 5 December 2015

Christmas Is Coming!

As we all know, Christmas is nearly here! And down here in the lovely, warm, currently raining Dunedin, things are getting busy. I have a few things to work on for Christmas, firstly, A new Warhammer Store just opened here and I am making a Space Marine decoration for their Christmas tree. I also have to get busy and paint the new Assassin models for my Dad, and I should really get around to the Possessed Marine I was meant to paint for my Brother... anyhow, here is some pictures of what I need to do:

I'm going to be making a dark urban Christmas Marine. The plan is, he is going to be dark green and red with a 40K battle-worn feel

Over the last few weeks, I've been touching up and trying to get my Circle of Oboros Hordes force finished, which I am thinking of selling by Natcon, being held in Dunedin, Easter, next year. Here's my progress on my Warpborn Skinwalkers:

 Close ups on the finished guy.

One on the left is finished, next two are nearly finished and the last two are about halfway there.
Feel free to leave a comment or suggestions! Also, if you'd like me to work on any of your stuff, send me an email, I'd love to negotiate prices :)